Pink Floyd danken Käufern und spenden Erlöse der Hey Hey Rise Up Single
Pink Floyd would like to thank everyone who has supported Hey Hey Rise Up. The single, recorded on 30th March with Andriy Khlyvnyuk of the Ukrainian band Boombox, has so far raised over £450,000 to help alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

David Gilmour und Nick Mason legten 50,000 drauf, sodass insgesamt £500,000 zur Verfügung stehen. Folgende Hilfsorganisation in der Ukraine erhalten davon einen Anteil.
Hospitallers is a Ukrainian voluntary organization of paramedics. Its members are doctors and people of various professions and ages who volunteered to join the first aid squad and deliver life-saving support to all in need.
The Kharkiv and Przemysl Project (KHARPP) is a grassroots initiative that has grown out of the volunteers’ time on the Polish-Ukrainian border, helping refugees with their immediate needs in Ukraine and as they arrive in Poland.
Vostok SOS
Provision of assistance in the search for housing for temporary displaced persons, the logistics of safe departure from the conflict zone, the search, release, and rehabilitation of kidnap victims. They also collect and distribute humanitarian aid for displaced persons in Kyiv, as well as delivering humanitarian goods to front-line settlements and providing psychological assistance.
Livyj Bereh
A volunteer group providing medicines, food, and assistance with the reconstruction of houses and schools in remote and often disadvantaged communities affected by the war.
Kyiv Volunteer
The charity emerged as a food-community response to the war in the country and is currently engaged in providing aid and helping feed civilians. They feed about 13,000 people every day.