Nick Mason veröffentlicht Unattended Luggage Boxset

Nick Mason Unattended Luggage (Boxset)

Kurz bevor er seine Europa-Tournee startet, erscheinen heute alle drei Soloalben von Nick Mason, die er zwischen 1981 und ’87 veröffentlichte. Das Boxset “Unattended Luggage” enthält die herrenlosen, unbeaufsichtigten Gepäckstücke “Nick Mason’s Fictitious Sports“, “Profiles” und den Soundtrack “White of the Eye“!

Und was sagt Mason selbst zu dieser unerwarteten Neuauflage!

Nick Mason: These recordings hold a very special place for me in my musical life. ‘Fictitious Sports’ developed initially from working with Mike Mantler, Carla Bley, and Robert Wyatt on a couple of their projects, and benefited enormously from a whole crew of great musicians that I was introduced to by them at Grog Kill Studios in Woodstock.

‘Profiles’ and ‘White Of The Eye’ were an extension of working with Rick Fenn on some advertising and short documentary film soundtracks, which then developed into something more.

Listening back after 30 odd years, I’m delighted they are getting the reissue treatment. I’m rather hoping that sales will be sufficient to damage the market in the original rare vinyl versions!


Nick Mason’s Fictitious Sports (1981)

Nick Mason's Fictitious Sports (2018)

Das erste Soloalbum Nick Mason’s Fictitious Sports, entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit einer Reihe ganz unterschiedlicher Musiker wie Robert Wyatt und Carla Bley

Side A:

  1. Can’t Get My Motor to Start 3:35
  2. I Was Wrong 4:10
  3. Siam 4:46
  4. Hot River 5:11

Side B:

  1. Boo to You Too 3:24
  2. Do Ya? 4:29
  3. Wervin’ 3:55
  4. I’m a Mineralist 6:14

Profiles (1985)

Nick Mason & Rick Fenn Profiles (2018)

A collaboration with 10cc guitarist Rick Fenn, it was Mason’s second album outside of Pink Floyd and was released in 1985 as “Mason + Fenn.” This is a mainly instrumental album except for tracks “Lie For A Lie,” which features vocals from Maggie Reilly and former bandmate David Gilmour and “Israel,” sung by UFO keyboardist Danny Peyronel.

Side A

  1. Malta 6:00
  2. Lie for a Lie 3:16
  3. Rhoda 3:22
  4. Profiles, Part 1 & Part 2 9:58

Side B

  1. Israel 3:30
  2. And the Address 2:45
  3. Mumbo Jumbo 3:53
  4. Zip Code 3:05
  5. Black Ice 3:37
  6. At the End of the Day 2:35
  7. Profiles, Pt.3 1:55

White Of The Eye (1987)

Nick Mason White Of The Eye (2018)

A soundtrack for a British thriller movie of the same name, Mason once again collaborated with Fenn. Originally released in 1987, in conjunction with the film’s release, this is the first time the record has been made available for over 20 years, and the first time it will appear on CD.

Side A:

  1. Goldwaters 2:51
  2. Remember Mike? 1:20
  3. Where Are You Joany? 2:12
  4. Dry Junk 3:20
  5. Present 2:28
  6. Thrift Store 3:26
  7. Prelude and Ritual 4:37

Side B

  1. Globe 2:38
  2. Discovery and Recoil 3:25
  3. Anne Mason 4:05
  4. Mendoza 2:30
  5. A World of Appearances 3:21
  6. Sacrifice Dance 3:01
  7. White of the Eye 3:35

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Unattended Luggage

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Unattended Luggage [Vinyl LP]

Price: 58,99 €

14 used & new available from 58,99 €

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