Aubrey Powell über “Louder Than Words” Video

Director Aubrey Powell on the Louder Than Words promo video:
Pink Floyd have nearly always made some formal, or informal, statement about things they do, be it a reflection of social comment or a sense of political leaning. Writing an idea for a music video for them is complicated. It can be something current, but then it’s easily dated; it couldn’t really address the lyric as that would involve starting at the genesis of Pink Floyd through to the present day, and that’s more than a five minute film.
In the case of Louder Than Words I was shown by my producer, Fiz Oliver, an image of rusting ships lying in the sandy desert of what was once the Aral Sea. A surreal image if ever I saw one, and a shocking example of human mismanagement and one of the planet’s worst environmental disasters.
By chance both David and Nick had seen the Aral Sea from a plane when they flew to see the launch of the Soyuz -7 spaceship from Bajkonur in November 1988, so, when I mentioned the catastrophe they were well aware of the circumstances. I presented a script which had some of the ingredients of the Aral Sea story, as well as the character from the album cover – the mystic rower ploughing his way through dark clouds at sunset in a wooden Skiff.
Aralsk, in Kazakhstan, used to be the main seaport for the Aral Sea, and is where a few of the rusting ships still exist, and was therefore the obvious place to film.
Quelle: Pink Floyd Facebook