Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones und Peter Gabriel zollen Mark Fisher Respekt

1.7.2013: Viele Bands, die über Jahre hinweg eng mit Mark Fisher zusammengearbeitet haben, zeigen sich von seinem Tod betroffen und zollen ihm Respekt. Darunter u.a. Pink Floyd: Mark Fisher, U2: He made the impossible possible, Rolling Stones: Mark Fisher und Peter Gabriel: RIP Mark Fisher.
Roger Waters über Mark Fisher
Auf seiner Facebookseite drückte Roger Waters heute seine Trauer über den Tod von Mark Fisher aus! Waters erhielt von Patrick Woodruffe, einem begnadetem Lichtdesigner, die traurige Nachricht über Fishers Ableben. Waters ist stolz darauf mit Mark Fisher gearbeitet zu haben
I received the awful news of my friend Mark Fisher’s death from Patrick Woodruffe another luminary from our world.
With his permission I reprint my note to him:
Dear Patrick
I am deeply saddened, thank you for letting me know. You and I are in a better position than most to know just how great a loss this is. Mark’s sparkle, was like fireworks with their heads on one side, underscored with that enigmatic and quizzical grin. Though unlike fireworks, which think little, he was always questioning everything we all did, and usually bettering it. To be bettered by Fisher was like winning The Ashes, except with no losers, the sun would burst through the clouds, the guffaw of delight in the discovery of a solution to some artistic or technical problem will always be unforgettable.
Please let me know all arrangements.
For those of you who don’t know Mark Fisher was an architect who I met in 1977. We worked closely together on all theatrical aspects of the Pink Floyd shows, Animals and The Wall. Mark subsequently, designed shows for The Rolling Stones, U2, George Michael, Tina Turner, Peter Gabriel, Madonna, Robbie Williams and Cirque du Soleil, not to mention the Olympic Games, The Millenium Dome, the list goes on. I am proud to have worked with him.