Robbie Williams Crew besucht David Gilmour Konzert in München

Bericht von Thomas Rumohr
Der Typ mit dem Robbie Williams seine letzte CD zusammen geschrieben hat heißt Steven Duffy. Er ist zurzeit auch mit ihn auf Tour und führt auf seiner eigenen Webseite ein Blog, in dem ich doch glatt ohne Vorwarnung dieses hier fand:
30 Jul 2006 04:53 pm by sd: oh where are you now pussy willow that smiled on this leaf
and after san siro – berlin – three days off in a heatwave on potsdamer platz – berlin is always wings of desire to me – i love wim wenders films – i love his commentary tracks that accompany his digital video disc (is that what dvd stands for – i’ve never asked?) – berlin is also low and heroes – eno bowie & iggy – although we now know a lot of the berlin period was recorded at the funky chateau – birgit came and filmed for an arte tv show on melancholy – sitting on the train lines singing i wont die for you & an open book – i’ll tell you when it’s going to be on – we drove passed bowies old flat where iggy lived in the garden and then we came to munich and saw david gilmour at the konigsplatz – he sang dark globe in the rain – it was a very beautiful evening x
oh where are you now
pussy willow that smiled on this leaf?
when I was alone you promised the stone from your heart
my head kissed the ground
i was half the way down, treading the sand
please, please, lift a hand
i’m only a person whose arm bands beats
on his hands, hang tall
won’t you miss me?
wouldn’t you miss me at all?