Guy Pratt erinnert sich an Konzerte von David Gilmour in Venedig

Guy Pratt schrieb im David Gilmour Blog folgendes über die Konzerte in Venedig, Posted by:
Guy Pratt at August 13, 2006 03:44 AM
We were all horrified when it started raining, but had to just go and get on with it. There’s actually a nice shared experience thing that happens with your audience when the world is inclement. Thanks to everyone for being such good sports and enduring the weather, we really did feel for you, and certainly gave our best. We’ve had many a joke about what new song might be sprung on us tonight (I was desperately trying to convince Rick to break into “It would be so nice”) and funnily enough we all felt we played On the Turning away better the night before, even though we got it mostly right this time it didn’t have the frisson of “AAAARRGGHHH HOW DOES IT BLOODY GO AGAIN???????!!!!!!!!!” That helped it along last night.
You were a wonderful audience and we all still feel incredibly priviledged and lucky to be on this bus. Much love to you all xxx Guy
Sehr interessant, was Guy außerdem noch über On The Turning Away schrieb! Er wollte Rick dazu bringen “It Would Be so Nice” zu spielen! 13 Minuten später schrieb er über die nächste Überraschung, die Gilmour zu bieten hatte nämlich “Dark Globe“.
Guy Pratt at August 13, 2006 03:57 AM
By the way, we had no idea David was going to sing Dark Globe, and his rendition was so moving I was close to tears, hearing sung the prophetic words of a man everyone likes to pontificate about except the one man who truly knew him as a friend and peer. I would like to go on record saying that in the 20 years I’ve known him David has only ever talked of Syd with the deepest love, admiration and respect, and hearing him sing his songs with the understanding that he obviously has of them convinces me he is the only person who should ever be allowed to perform Syd’s work. So there.
Much love to you all xx Guy
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