Bonnaroo Festival: Flaming Lips spielen Dark Side of the Moon Album

Die Flaming Lips werden Pink Floyds ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ Album ein weiteres Mal live spielen. Die Band hat angekündigt das Album beim “Bonnaroo-Festival” live zu spielen. Das Festival findet vom 10. -13. Juni statt.

Wayne Coyne: We did it at the New Year’s Eve show just knowing everybody’s gonna be taking acid, staying awake until five in the morning. I don’t think it’ll be that much of a stretch to think Friday night at 2:30 in the morning at Bonnaroo would be that much different than being in Oklahoma City on New Year’s Eve.

The Dark Side of the Moon

Price: 12,86 €

10 used & new available from 10,06 €

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