Extra-Tickets für David Gilmour’s Konzertserie im Madison Square Garden 4.-10.11.2024

David Gilmour – Luck and Strange Tour – The Garden November 4., 5., 6., 9. & 10.

Nachdem jetzt die Größenordnung der Produktion, sprich Bühne, Mischpult & what ever bekannt sind, werden weitere Tickets frei, für die Shows von David Gilmour im Garden.

Es wird mehr als spannend zu sehen, welche Art Bühnenzauber Marc Brickman für Gilmour’s Luck and Strange Tour erschaffen wird.


Luck and Strange (Vinyl) [Vinyl LP]

Price: 30,85 €

23 used & new available from 30,85 €

Luck and Strange (Amazon Exclusive Vinyl) [Vinyl LP]

Price: 38,45 €

1 used & new available from 38,45 €

Luck and Strange (CD-Album)

Price: 14,99 €

38 used & new available from 12,98 €

Luck and Strange (Amazon Exclusive CD)

Price: 19,32 €

1 used & new available from 19,32 €

Luck and Strange (Disc Blu-Ray)

Price: 25,36 €

19 used & new available from 21,65 €

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2 Antworten

  1. Avatar Hélio Galdino Teixeira sagt:

    Will the November 10th show be the last show of the tour? Will we not have a show from South America?

    • Werner Werner sagt:

      Good question! I guess there’s still hope! I’m sure he wants to play in South America, depends on his will and physics and if they can find some kind of tour route … plenty of factors … but he knows how amazing the audience in 2015 were. Me just guessing around. 🙂

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