Neues über “The Story of Wish You Were Here”

John Edginton, Regisseur von “The Story of Wish You Were Here”, berichtete in einem Interview für “Spinner” über den Dokumentationsfilm, dass “Wish You Were Here” Album und Syd Barrett’s Einfluss darauf.
Edington sprach auch über seine persönlichen Eindrücke, die er von drei Pink Floyd Mitgliedern gewinnen konnte. Waters beeindruckte ihn durch sein Engagement und seine Leidenschaft. Nick Mason, wie könnte es anders sein, durch seine freundliche und sehr humorvolle Art. Und wie wir schon in einem anderen Artikel The Story of Wish You Were Here diskutierten, schien David Gilmour angespannt, vielleicht sogar leicht desinteressiert. Edington sagte über ihn, dass er gerade in einer Krise, wegen der Anklage gegen seinen Sohn, gewesen sei. Edington: “I think David especially would get to the point of, “Oh God, do I really have to talk about this?” But he did!” Das wäre Grund genug!
What surprised you most about the band members?
JOHN EDINGTON: I think I was surprised that Roger is so engaged and so passionate about current political issues, capital punishment, Occupy Wall Street. He puts his money where his mouth is. There is a small housing project run by one woman that he helps support. He’s an engaging guy and very politically active and very true to himself.
David is a little harder to judge. He’s quite careful. He’d been going through a crisis with his son who’d been charged with something so we delayed filming due to a court date. So for him it was a difficult time but he came through very big for us.
Nick is just delightful. What a great guy he is — really interesting, very funny, very self deprecating. On the extras we’ve got some amazing things on him.
Das vollständige Interview könnt ihr bei unter folgenden link nachlesen: Wish you were here Documentary.