Für Alan Parsons gibt es keinen Tag ohne Pink Floyd

Ob er es will oder nicht, kein Tag vergeht an dem Alan Parsons nicht an seine Zusammenarbeit mit Pink Floyd erinnert wird! So auch bei einem Interview für die “Huffington Post”, bei dem über seine Zeit mit Pink Floyd angesprochen. Parsons arbeitete 1970 zum ersten mal mit Pink Floyd an dem Album “Atom Heart Mother”. Danach folgten Tourneen und weitere Alben als Tontechniker für Pink Floyd. Für “Dark Side of the Moon” erhielt Parsons einen Grammy. Danach endete die Zusammenarbeit. Vom “Wish You Were Here” Album ist er enttäuscht. Interview von Mike Ragogna, Huffington Post
Für “Dark Side of the Moon” erhielt Alan Parsons 1973 einen Grammy Award. Auf dem 2004 erschienen Alan Parsons Album “A Valid Path” spielt David Gilmour bei dem Instrumentalstück “Return to Tunguska” das Gitarrensolo.
You’re also credited as engineering Pink Floyd’s Atom Heart Mother and a little record called The Dark Side Of The Moon that ended up being one of the biggest-selling albums of all time. Though, as you said, it’s teamwork, here’s another group turning the corner sonically and creatively, and look who the engineer is!
Alan Parsons: (laughs) I’m honored that you would say those things. You know, I didn’t engineer Atom Heart Mother from start to finish, I did it with the late Peter Bown. But I did do the mix, and I’m guessing that the fact they felt I did an okay job on the mix led to their asking for me to do The Dark Side Of The Moon.
It’s not even arguable that The Dark Side Of The Moon advanced the way rock artists approached their sound quality during that era. Plus it’s one of the biggest-selling and continuously-charting albums of all time. All these years later, how do you feel about having been a very significant part of that?
Alan Parsons: I’m never allowed to forget it. (laughs)
I’m sorry.
Alan Parsons: Really, barely a day goes by without some reference in my professional career to Pink Floyd. I’m very glad of it, things might have been very different without it.
Most producers and engineers, whether they say it or not, have opinions about follow-up albums by bands when they don’t produce them. Considering how Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here turned out, have you ever listened to that record and thought to yourself how you might have done such-and-such differently?
Alan Parsons: Absolutely. I was hugely disappointed with it, and remember thinking we should have found a way of working on the two albums, not just the one.
What prevented that?
Alan Parsons: It was a combination of politics and the need for me to get on with my career. I mean, they made me a very good offer to work for them full-time exclusively, but right at that same time, I was starting to get into production and having hits. So, it just wasn’t meant to be.
Das ganze Interview könnt ihr unter folgenden link nachlesen: Huffington Post.
Wäre interessant zu hören, was Alan Parsons auf WYWH soundmäßig anders produziert hätte!? Ich finde, dass WYWH sicher “heller” oder “leichter” produziert ist, dass dies aber auch der Musik entspricht. Die Musik auf TDSODTM ist dunkler und deshalb auch passend düster produziert.
Aber wer die Arbeiten von Parsons kennt, weiß, dass er WYWH sicherlich auch super produziert hätte, vielleicht etwas pompöser….