Überwältigter David Gilmour dankt Bietern und seinem “guitar tech” Phil Taylor!

Wow! Unbelievable! I’m so blown away at how brilliantly well last night’s auction of my guitars went at Christie’s in New York.
All of the money raised will go to fund ClientEarth’s vital work fighting the climate crisis. Please do have a look at ClientEarth’s website and you’ll understand why I believe in them. www.clientearth.org
And also, many, many thanks to everyone who bought a guitar, who bid, visited the exhibition or even bought a programme. A huge thank you to Christie’s for the incredible job they’ve done. And thanks too to my long-term guitar tech, Phil Taylor, who has looked after these guitars so well for so many years.
David Gilmour
Und jetzt wo das vorüber ist, kann es losgehen mit neuem Pink Floyd Album und Tour 🙂