Phil Manzanera, der Architect of Sound

In einem Interview für das “Guitar & Bass” Magazin, erwähnt Phil Manzanera auch seinen Freund und Nachbarn David Gilmour. Dabei kommt er ins Schwärmen über David Gilmours Gitarren, sein Gehör und technische Ausrüstung.
Phil Manzanera: For a guitarist, its a dream. You coundn´t be in a better place. David has the best guitars and equipment and has the most amazing things sent ti him all the the time! He spends a lot of time with sound, and thats something I´ve always been as well. His tone is beautiful, but it just dosent happen like that. He´s got very good ears and is very in tune. He has a strobe tuner onstage and always keeps an eye on it, so when he is bending the notes he wants those notes to be beautifully in tune.
Quelle: Guitar & Bass