Interview mit Gavin Elder zu seinem Konzertfilm David Gilmour – Live at Pompeii

David Gilmour Live at Pompeii

Der Filmemacher Gavin Elder lernte den Gitarristen und Sänger David Gilmour über Duran Duran kennen. Die erste Zusammenarbeit war 2006, als ihn Gilmour fragte, ob er Interesse hätte eine Dokumentation von seiner On an Island” Tour zu drehen. Seither ist er Gilmour’s Mann für Tour-Dokumentationen und Konzertfilme!

In einem neuen Interview berichtet Elder darüber wie es ist mit Gilmour zu arbeiten und verrät Details über das Zustandekommen seines neuesten Konzertfilmes “Live at Pompeii“! Well, anyone who has not seen this needs to see it! As you mentioned, you have worked with David Gilmour for a little over a decade. How did you become connected with David, and what has your experience been like working with him?

David Gilmour Pompeii im Kino
Weltweit im Kino am 13.9.2017!

Gavin Elder: When I first started working with David, he asked me to go on the road with him and document the tour of 2006. That involved Rick Wright, when he was still alive, so that made that tour extra special. I think that everything David does is unique and he always tries to add an element of surprise. On that tour, David Bowie performed “Comfortably Numb.” David Crosby and Graham Nash were on that tour as well.

David creates an incredible atmosphere, he chooses people very carefully, he chooses his band very carefully. At times, you feel like you’re on this magic mystery tour… it’s more than a band, it’s more like a family-like atmosphere. That just helps everybody enjoy the tour more, and that enjoyment translates into the music. I think when an audience can see a band enjoying themselves, then they enjoy the show more as well.

It’s a very carefully sorted through approach. David, himself, is an amazing man to work with. He’s a legend in the music industry, and incredibly generous performer as well. But, in terms of music, in terms of filming, there’s never a moment when he’s not prepared to give an insight on something on camera. For me, he’s an absolute pleasure to work with because he realizes for the film to have an extra layer of specialness, it requires his involvement. He’s always very happy to be involved and to help in any way to make it the best it can be.

Dass komplette Interview mit Elder findet ihr unter dem folgenden Link: Cryptic Rock: Interview – Gavin Elder.

Gavin Elder: A backstage pass

Gavin Elder offizielle Webseite:

Ich danke Olaf Hollinger für den Hinweis.

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